Cello Studio Policies 2018-2019


School Year Tuition (September 3rd-May 31st)

Tuition is paid monthly, and covers the cost of lessons, studio classes, and the studio recital in March. Monthly tuition remains constant regardless of the number of lessons received in a given month. There is no per-lesson fee and no deductions will be made for missed lessons.

30 minute lesson = $148/month

45 minute lesson = $210/month

60 minute lesson = $253/month


Attendance Policy

The instructor will make up a maximum of two lessons a school year (September 3rd-May 31st) missed due to illness or inclement weather.

There will be no lessons on Labor Day (September 3rd) or Memorial Day (May 27th). Students with regular Monday lessons will be credited for two lessons for Summer Study.

Students who cannot attend their lesson for any other reason may ask to reschedule their lesson. If no other time is available, students may arrange to swap lesson times with another student.

The weeks of June 3rd-June 14th will be make-up lesson weeks. Students unable to attend make-up lessons during the make-up weeks will forfeit their make-up lessons.

If the instructor cannot teach a lesson for any reason, the lesson will be rescheduled. If it cannot be rescheduled, the lesson will be cancelled, and the student will not be charged, or will be credited for the lesson.

Students who attend three or fewer lessons per month may not be considered for renewal.


Summer Study

Summer study (June 17th-August 30th) is not included in school year tuition. Students can reserve either seven or nine lessons over the summer. Student will schedule with the instructor which weeks they will be in town and would like a lesson no later than May 31st. There will be no make-up lessons for missed summer lessons.